Annual Report
Annual Return
Financial Results
Financials of Subsidiaries
Paper Advertisement
Annual General Meeting
Closure of Trading Window
Investor Support
Postal Ballot
Scrutinizer Report
Shareholding Pattern
Board of Directors
Credit Rating Details
Policy to Determine Material Subsidiaries
Whistle Blower Policy
Materiality Policy
Nomination and Remuneration Policy
Insider Code
Fair Disclosure of UPSI
Press Releases
Media Coverages
Mr. Halder, with over 30 years in the company, played a pivotal role in globalizing and expanding into new areas like edible oil manufacturing.
With over 50 years of experience, Mr. Halder is a leader in parboiled rice manufacturing, contributing significantly to its growth through technological expertise.
Poulomi Halder, a key figure at Halder Venture Limited, serves as Director at Shri Jatadhari Rice Mills Pvt. Ltd. and Halder Venture Ltd, contributing significantly to the company's success.
Mr. Datta is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a Cost Accountant. He is having an experience of 45+ years of Finance functional, governance and project management experience in different corporate organizations.
Ms. Sarkar is a CA with 31+ years of experience in executing statutory and internal audits, internal controls and risk management, business process reviews etc. She is also a registered valuer of Securities and Financial Assets duly registered with IBBI.
With more than a decade of association, Mr. Debnath played a pivotal role in taking the company public and ensuring its financial growth.
Ms. Sen is the Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of our Company. She is having an experience of more than 5 years in listed entity. Her in-depth knowledge in SEBI regulations and Corporate Laws will play a vital role in Company’s growth.
Diamond Heritage Building,16 Strand Road, Unit - 1012, 10th Floor, Kolkata - 700 001 +91 33 6607 5557